Together, We Can!
Cheers to our Stowe Street Day Hab and the Tuesday Night Supplemental group for volunteering last week for the annual meat canning drive in Lowville.
The canning process involves many steps, including grinding and cutting the meat, packing, weighing, and sealing cans, pressure canning, drying, labeling, scanning and printing labels, and boxing the food. The many hands of Arc and other community volunteers produced 12,044 cans in total!
Every year, the mobile meat canner travels across the United States and Canada, meeting volunteers to prepare cans of turkey, beef, chicken, and pork for distribution to those in need worldwide, including Burkina Faso, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Jordan, Syria, Zambia, U.S., Puerto Rico. Twelve hundred (1,200) of the cans produced in Lowville will travel to New York State food banks.