Self Direction

Self Direction

Choose your activities, staff and schedule with Self-Direction

What is Self-Direction, and is it right for you?

Children and adults eligible for OPWDD services and enrolled in the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waiver may choose to self-direct their services. The self-directed option gives people with developmental disabilities the option to use funding to design and manage services based on their personal needs and goals.

Self-Direction means that you, with the help of your circle of support, have more control over the services you receive. It can expand options beyond traditional programs and allows you to choose the mix of supports and services that work best for you and how and when they are provided.

Fiscal Intermediary:

The Fiscal Intermediary operates as the “Co-Manager” with you and your circle of support. The Fiscal Intermediary provides support in the hiring process with required background checks, required training for staff, payroll, and reimbursements based on your individualized budget. The Fiscal Intermediary is also responsible for reviewing all paperwork and documentation to ensure compliance with Medicaid/OPWDD payments.


The Broker will help develop an individualized budget that is unique to you. The plan will reflect what your goals are, what supports you need, and how you will use your Self-Direction budget to pay for those services. In addition, your Broker will maintain ongoing contact with you and your circle of support to ensure that you are satisfied with the services you are receiving.

Circle of Support:

The Care Manager, Broker and Individual are required members of the circle of support. You choose all other members, and you can have as many or as few members as you would like. The team should work together to identify valued outcomes, safeguards, weekly schedules and staff backup plans.

We're ready, willing, and able!

For more information please download our Self Direction Program Guide today!

Download Program Guide

For more information, please contact:

Amy Bauer, Self-Direction Program Director
The Arc, Oneida-Lewis Chapter
(315) 927-0189

A leader in services for people with developmental disabilities since 1954